Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We went to Golden Corral for dinner last night. Michael is willing to eat there because they always have spaghetti, but we told him he also had to try a new food. So after his first plate of spaghetti, mandarin oranges, and peaches, he and I went searching for something else he could eat.

After looking at the entire buffet, he chose barbecue beans. I told him I'd like him to eat six bites. He said, "How about eight?" Yes, Michael, eight would be fine. We did have to help him with some, but then he ate the rest by himself. And best of all, he said that he would eat them at home if I made them. He also decided to eat jello. A lot of it. The jello was cut into squares, and when he asked for some, I put three squares on his plate. He then took the scoop from me and put two more on there. He's had jello before, but it's been a while.

Anyway, so tonight I opened a can of pork and beans and heated them, and he ate quite a bit. I'm really happy about this, because even though pork and beans might not be that good for you, beans are. Lots of protein, which he gets very little of.

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